Emerald City Fiduciary Group » Login

Client Login & Resources

Emerald City Fiduciary Group believes in providing our clients with the most comprehensive financial planning solutions. Combining our expertise with the convenience of modern technology, we devise unparalleled financial plans. As a client you may find yourself asking, “Where is my money? How is it performing? Where can I see the whole picture?”  The following online tools answer these questions.

Where Can I See the Whole Picture?

eMoney for Easy Planning

eMoney a commercial platform for financial planners that allows clients to see their whole financial picture in one place. Through eMoney and other processes, it is easy to track the impact of your financial decisions. eMoney’s online encrypted storage and efficient user interface make wealth management simple and straightforward. Click here to view a step-by-step eMoney set-up and user-guide. 

Centralize your finances

Easy to use cashflow & budgeting tools

Securely share documents and information

How is My Money Performing?


Albridge provides individual and consolidated reports covering performance, asset allocation, holdings analysis, transaction, and benchmarking. Albridge delivers a single, comprehensive view of all of your investments with Emerald City Fiduciary Group.

Track portfolio performance

Custom reporting

Benchmark analysis

Where is My Money?

Financial Custodians

Once your account has been opened with Emerald City Fiduciary Group (ECFG) your investments are housed with one or more specialized financial institutions called custodians. The following is a list of ECFG’s most commonly used financial custodians. Each custodial company provides online access to clients to view and monitor their investments.

American Funds

Login Resources

Access your statements and tax forms, check your account balance, manage automatic transactions, and link your bank account from your American Funds online account.


Access your statements and tax forms, check your account balance, manage automatic transactions, and link your bank account from your Pershing online account.

Charles Schwab

Login Resources

Make trades, access your statements and tax forms, check your account balance, manage automatic transactions, and link your bank account from your TD Ameritrade online account.

Franklin Templeton




Need Help?

Our team is here to assist you. Please contact us if you need help setting up or accessing your online accounts, resetting username/password, or have general questions about the programs.

